Thursday, December 6, 2012

How nigerian become wealthy

A man places skewers of meat in a circle around a fire. Rural Nigerians favor traditional foods and preparation techniques. 

How Nigerians become wealthy.
Wealth is the main symbol of social stratification in modern Nigeria, especially in urban areas. While in the past many ethnic groups held hereditary titles and traditional lineage important, money has become the new marker of power and social status. Today the members of the wealthy elite are easily identifiable by their fancy clothing and hairstyles and by their expensive cars and Western-style homes. Those in the elite also tend to have a much better command of English, a reflection of the higher quality of education they have received
A man places skewers of meat in a circle around a fire. Rural Nigerians favor traditional foods and preparation techniques.
Wealth also can be important in marking social boundaries in rural areas. In many ethnic groups, those who have accumulated enough wealth can buy themselves local titles. For example, among the Igbo, a man or a woman who has enough money may claim the title of Ozo. For women, one of the requirements to become an Ozo is to have enough ivory, coral, and other jewelry for the ceremony. The weight of the jewelry can often exceed fifty pounds. Both men and women who want to claim the title must also finance a feast for the entire community

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting that in order to become an Ozo, the women need to have enough ivory, coral, and other jewelry for the ceremony. The weight of the jewelry can often exceed fifty pounds. That is some heavy jewelry.
